The balance between Big Data & PrivacyOver the years, massive amounts of data have been cultivated in order to analyze and generate new knowledge on a population. This is known…Jun 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021
Algorithmic biasBias unfortunately exists in humanity and can unintentionally be passed on to algorithms. These algorithms can be biased based on multiple…Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021
“Let me provide you with some information”For some reason, programming just clicked with me instantly. Eclipse going down line by line logically, reading the errors, finding the…Jun 3, 2021Jun 3, 2021
Home Court Advantage: A SummaryIn 2020, the NBA Playoffs were held within Disney World due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of this, teams essentially played on…Apr 5, 20211Apr 5, 20211